Acupuncture is an alternative treatment favoured by many people in the Western world.
If you are looking for help with a number of aches or mobility problems, then you might be wondering how to find the right acupuncture near me in Woolloongabba.
In order to know whether this treatment will be right for you, Alan Jansson and Owen Formosa from Acupuncture Brisbane want to tell you more about its history and origins.
The early history
The beginnings of acupuncture are believed to lie in China.
Some archaeologists interpret stones and bones dating from 6000 years BC as being acupuncture instruments, and there is also documentary evidence dating from 198 BC which talks about meridians, often used in acupuncture.
Completely separate from this, the Alpine Ice man, dated to around 3300 BC, has a number of tattoos which might also be a form of acupuncture.
Acupuncture spreads
The theory of acupuncture spread throughout the world over a number of centuries.
By the six century, both Japan and Korea had assimilated traditional Chinese acupuncture and used associated herbs medical treatments.
These systems of acupuncture still exist today. Vietnam developed acupuncture by at least the 10th century, and France adopted acupuncture in the 16th century, much earlier than other westernised nations.
The first European description of acupuncture was written in 1680, and was based upon witnessing Japanese acupuncture methods, similar to the highly refined and gentle techniques used by Alan and Owen at Acupuncture Brisbane.
The treatment of emperors
The first unequivocal mention of acupuncture as we understand it today is found in a book called “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” which is dated to 100 BC.
From there, experts can trace a variety of different diagnosis and treatment theories, which often competed with each other for treatment.
By the time of the Ming dynasty, in the 14th to 17th centuries, treaties on acupuncture were regularly published.
The basis of our modern acupuncture
During the Ming Dynasty, the publication of “The Great Compendium of Acupuncture” shows the development of a system which is now the basis of acupuncture as used today.
Alan has been working with clients suffering from back pain, headaches, nausea and a myriad of other health conditions for more than 35 years.
Getting modern acupuncture treatment
If you are looking for the best acupuncture near me in the Woolloongabba area, then you need to speak to Alan or Owen from Acupuncture Brisbane.
Our experienced teams can offer you advice about our treatment services, so send us an online enquiry, or call us on 07-3891-2000 now to talk to a member of staff.
Read our previous blog on the benefits of acupuncture treatment for more information!