Acupuncture Treatment For Insomnia
From his 30+ years of clinical experience, Alan Jansson reports that traditional acupuncture is extraordinarily effective in treating insomnia.
From his 30+ years of clinical experience, Alan Jansson reports that traditional acupuncture is extraordinarily effective in treating insomnia.
Here I discuss Japanese acupuncture for chronic fatigue syndrome and its efficacy in helping people who are suffering the debilitating effects of this condition.
In my experience as an acupuncturist, I have found that Japanese Acupuncture has been very effective in helping to prepare a mother for child birth.
A sprained ankle is one of the most common injuries, and Japanese acupuncture is an incredibly effective form of treatment. Just ask Serena Williams.
This example highlights the value of acupuncture for post-surgery recovery. It reduces pain, enables rest and sleep, and speeds up the healing and recovery process.