Acupuncture Information
Japanese Acupuncture: Study Trip to Japan
My trip to Japan was to attend another Japanese Acupuncture workshop with my Master Acupuncturist, Ikeda Sensei. It was quite an amazing journey – as it always is. For a full transcript, please go HERE
Acupuncture Treatment for Water Retention in Pregnancy
In this video, Alan Jansson explains why water retention is a problem in pregnancy and what acupuncture can do to treat this problem. He draws on the basic principles of Chinese Medicine which in this scenario views the kidney as the cooling element in the body. The...
Acupuncture Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Youth
My focus in this discussion is acupuncture treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), especially in youth. CFS is an increasing health problem today in the youth population. There is one particular patient that comes to mind – if you like, a clinical case history...
Acupuncture For Prenatal Treatment
In this post, I discuss the role that acupuncture is very capable of playing in prenatal treatment. At this stage of my career, after 30 years in my acupuncture practice, I have had the honour and the pleasure of contributing to a more comfortable and more expedient...
Acupuncture For Infertility
Alan Jansson explains how Japanese acupuncture can be incredibly effective in helping the woman to fall pregnant and for the couple to conceive and have a little one -- one of the great privileges and pleasures of our life. For a full transcript, please click HERE
Acupuncture for IVF Support
I found acupuncture to be extremely effective when a woman undergoes the course of treatments that make up IVF, especially in the initial stages as well as in the pre-transfer and post-transfer stages. For a full transcript of this video, please go HERE.